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Exclusive Forward from Pro-Athlete Alex Rodriguez:

"When I landed my $252 million contract, I set about finding and investment vehicle that would ensure my financial fitness long after baseball. I read dozens of books on wealth, entrepreneurship, and investing... but nothing inspired or captivated me as much as Real Estate Riches by Dolf de Roos. Dolf makes real estate investing simple and accessible to anyone who has the will to succeed. He is an All Star in his field."

Exclusive Forward from Pro-Athlete Alex Rodriguez:

"When I landed my $252 million contract, I set about finding and investment vehicle that would ensure my financial fitness long after baseball. I read dozens of books on wealth, entrepreneurship, and investing... but nothing inspired or captivated me as much as Real Estate Riches by Dolf de Roos. Dolf makes real estate investing simple and accessible to anyone who has the will to succeed. He is an All Star in his field."
- Alex Rodriguez
2003 American League MVP; Founder and CEO of Newport Property Ventures



learn the process for successful investing AND STEP INTO REAL ESTATE LIKE A PRO!
"Let's face the facts:  when investing in real estate, there's a lot to know if you want to be profitable. This can often be a stumbling block for new investors, but it doesn't have to be!

The reality is that if you learn from the right people, you can expedite your success and build wealth quickly. That's what I've done throughout my life and it's allowed me to find great success.

THAT'S WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK —To give you the jumpstart you need. 

If you're going to be successful, it's essential that you access the knowledge of those who have gone before.

Learn how to find the best deals, negotiate like a pro, and feel confident every step of the way. Only then can you maximize YOUR PROFITS and become super successful through every new investment.

One of the things I love about real estate is that it can bring you more wealth than you could ever make at a 9-5 job. Real estate doesn't discriminate or care who you are. It's an avenue for anyone to build their wealth, from anywhere in the world.

Read this book so you can feel confident in moving forward with real estate investing. Ensure you're on the right track for success by learning the essentials things you need to know."

– Dolf de Roos

  • Real Estate Riches is NOT a book with a "few good ideas"— it's a step by step comprehensive guide for anyone looking to win in real estate.
  • Real Estate Riches is NOT just another 'get rich with real estate' book—even though it will teach you the best ways to maximize your profits and have lasting success.
  • Real Estate Riches is NOT just another "good idea book"—the strategies presented here come from decades of trial and error, and have been proven by one of the world's best real estate investors - Dolf de Roos


everything you need to start your real estate portfolio today.

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What People Are Saying About REAL ESTATE RICHES on...
Real Estate Riches is the solution all new (and even experienced) investors are looking for. With over 2 million copies in print, investors around the world have found the contents of this book to be both inspiring and extremely valuable.

Dolf's extensive real estate knowledge makes him the mentor you want in your back pocket—and this book makes it possible.

Pick the brain of a genius and supercharge your results, with this extensive, success blueprint for building wealth through real estate.

You might be interested in real estate, but do you know what makes it so profitable and lucrative? Dolf goes in-depth on all the reasons real estate can grow your wealth faster and greater than many other investment options out there. If you're going to succeed in real estate you must understand the potential it holds, and this chapter will open your eyes to an incredible future ahead.


It's time to become well versed in each step of the real estate investing process. Discover how to find the right properties, analyze deals, negotiate and submit offers, increase the value of your property and so much more. Reading this section will save you years of trial and error on your own. Gain the knowledge and experience from a man who has been in it for decades and fast track your success with this important guide!


Now you know what the game is all about, but before lift off, it's important to understand all the differences between commercial and residential real estate. Dolf gives an inside glimpse into the pros and cons of each so you can make an educated decision on the path you take. There's no one type of real estate that's best. It's about what's right for you. This chapter is full of valuable insight and information!
Because of the book Real Estate Riches, my husband and I felt bold enough to take over my parents' property (they didn't want to deal with the mortgage anymore). We refinanced, took money out, and now we are in negotiations to buy an investment property. Dolf de Roos helped us to think out of the box.
–Vivienne Pina.
"Thank for your assistance. I greatly appreciate your time and the valuable information that you have bestowed upon me. This new thinking has changed the direction of my life. Thank you!
–Emily F.Henderson
"Dear Dolf, 
I bought your books. 
I bought your tapes. 
I bought your seminar. 
I've made millions because of you. 
Thanks. I listen. I learn. I do!"
–Steve Granlund
"I'll get straight to the point—if you are in property and you don't read this book then you are a fool. His principles of analysis not only work, but could make you very wealthy (or save you a fortune). His guidance on property and tenant selection alone are worth the price of this book a thousand times over.
This book is worth more than an hour with my accountant —a fantastic read that opened my eyes."
–L.C. France
Truly an inspiring book, with great basic concepts to get you going into real estate. It’s really easy to read and understand what the author is trying to tell.
–Fernando T.
"This is the second book of Dolf de Ross that i read and i am convinced that investing in real state is the best way to invest your money. I strongly recommend this book to my anyone who is planning to buy properties."
–Paul G.
"I have read Dr. Dolf de Roos' book titles Real Estate Riches. Two weeks ago I bought my first rental flat, than a week later my first rental building (six flats). It's magic to create wealth out of thin air. Thank you for your inspiring books."
–L.C. France
"I give this book my highest recommendation possible. Not only for his ability to teach the basic principles of real estate investing in a very easy to understand way, but also because of how inspiring and encouraging this book is to help you take the right steps. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. ."
–Micheal C.
"What can I say, DOLF is the master - He is the Australian Donald Trump! The book is PERFECT in every way shape and form. I immediately went out and tried some of these techniques and they WORKED! I marked the book with notes and go back and read it from time to time to stay fresh."
"I'll get straight to the point—if you are in property and you don't read this book then you are a fool. His principles of analysis not only work, but could make you very wealthy (or save you a fortune). His guidance on property and tenant selection alone are worth the price of this book a thousand times over."
–David P.
"The advice to "Buy Low; Sell High" applies to any investment but this book also encourages a potential real estate investor to look for hidden value. Much of the advice in this book is also equally applicable to acquiring a property as one's primary residence and quite a bit of it can be applied to other investments. 
–Mary M.
"I read your book Real Estate Riches and enjoyed it very much. Can't wait to continue my search for the riches."
–Becky M.
"Dolf is incredibly inspiring and knowledgable. I really appreciate the principles and steps he laid out in this book."
–Kyle G.
"I learned so much about the process of buying real estate through this book. Very grateful for Dolf's experience and wisdom!"
–Missy S.
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